Turbeville Correctional Institution


Turbeville Correctional Institution South Carolina

Turbeville Correctional Institution

Turbeville Correctional Institution is a medium security prison that houses youthful male offenders aged 17-25.  The current maximum capacity of Turbeville Correctional Institution is 1,499 inmates.  This facility provides extensive substance abuse treatment, mental health services and behavioral counseling to inmates.

Ridgeland Correctional Institution


Ridgeland Correctional Institution South Carolina

Ridgeland Correctional Institution

Ridgeland Correctional Institution is a level 2 medium security prison that houses adult males.  Inmates here are housed in double bunked cells.  The current maximum capacity of Ridgeland Correctional Institution is 1,163 offenders.  This facility engages in the correctional industries program and employs inmates in the production of PVC furniture.

Perry Correctional Institution


Perry Correctional Institution South Carolina

Perry Correctional Institution

Perry Correctional Institution is a maximum security prison located in Pelzer South Carolina that has a maximum capacity of 966 offenders.  It is a level 3 facility that houses inmates who have committed serious often violent crimes, and inmates who were relocated from other facilities because of behavioral issues.

Palmer Pre-Release Center


Palmer Pre-Release Center South Carolina

Palmer Pre-Release Center

Palmer Pre-Release Center is a minimum security community based facility located in Florence South Carolina.  This level A1 facility can currently house a maximum of 292 adult male offenders.  Level A1 facilities are work and pre-release centers that are community based and house offenders who are within three years or less to be released.

Manning Correctional Institution


Manning Correctional Institution South Carolina

Manning Correctional Institution

Manning Correctional Institution is a minimum security prison located in Columbia South Carolina.  The facility houses 922 level 1B male inmates.  Offenders are housed in double bunked cubicles and usually have short sentences.  This facility also serves as a pre-release center and houses inmates who are within three months of release.

Livesay Correctional Institution


Livesay Correctional Institution South Carolina

Livesay Correctional Institution

Livesay Correctional Institution is located in Spartanburg South Carolina.  The prison is comprised of two camps, Camp A and Camp B.  Camp A, formerly known as Livesay Pre-Release Center, holds level 1A inmates which means they are minimum custody non-violent inmates who are in a community based pre-release center and within 3 years of release.