Montgomery Women's Facility

Montgomery Women's Facility Alabama

Montgomery Women's Facility

Montgomery Women's Facility currently can house up to 300 inmates.  It was originally set in eight trailers, and has been renovated over the years to consist of multiple buildings.  Although the name states it is a women's facility, the majority of inmates are actually male.

Limestone Correctional Facility

Limestone Correctional Facility Alabama

Limestone Correctional Facility

Limestone Correctional facility houses over 2000 medium to minimum security male inmates.  Inmates are only on lockdown during the night when everyone is sleeping, at all other times they are able to leave their cells.  Inmates can receive substance abuse treatment at this facility. 

Kilby Correctional Facility

Kilby Correctional Facility Alabama

Kilby Correctional Facility and Reception Center

Kilby Correctional Facility has a capacity of over 1400 inmates.  This correctional institution is considered maximum security because many of he inmates who pass through are unclassified when they first enter, then are evaluated and given an assignment to their more permanent facility based on that classification.

Holman Correctional Facility

Holman Correctional Facility Alabama

Holman Correctional Facility

Holman correctional facility is home to over 1000 inmates ranging custody levels anywhere from minimum all the way to closed custody/death row inmates.  Holman is the facility that carries out all executions for death row inmates in Alabama, and is perhaps one of the most feared facilities to be incarcerated in because of it being a 'last stop' for many inmates.

Hamilton Aged & Infirmed

Hamilton aged and infirmed Alabama

Hamilton Aged & Infirmed

Hamilton aged and infirmed facility in Alabama houses up to three hundred inmates.  This facility houses minimum to medium security inmates who are considered aged or have a weakness or illness that effects the mind or body.  Medical treatments and palliative care is given at this facility and some minimum security inmates help in the day to day operations that take place.

Elmore Correctional Center

Elmore Correctional Center Alabama

Elmore Correctional Center

Elmore correctional center is a minimum security state prison that houses over 1100 inmates.  The facility has a multitude of programs that the inmate can participate in, including substance abuse programs, and educational programs.  Because this is a minimum security institution their are also many recreational activities the inmates can participate in.

Easterling Correctional Institution

Easterling Correctional Facility Alabama

Easterling Correctional Facility

Easterling Correctional Facility is home to over 1200 medium security inmates.  Inmates are on lockdown almost all day with a few hours per day of indoor/outdoor recreation.  Inmates are this facility have access to substance abuse treatment, general education courses for obtaining a GED and a variety of vocational classes.  

Draper Correctional Facility

Draper Correctional Facility Alabama

Draper Correctional Facility

Draper Correctional facility houses over 1200 inmates.  The prison prides itself on the work ethic of the inmates, and in doing so provides inmates with a multitude of jobs from a large farming and agricultural unit, to vocational jobs such as creating furniture and learning mechanic skills.